The Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College has offices on both the historic Gettysburg campus, in what was once the home of Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, and in the heart of the nation’s capital, just blocks from the White House. The Institute’s dual locations provide undergraduates with the resources and experiences they need to lead and contribute meaningfully in a variety of public, private, and nonprofit careers.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
The site of one of the most pivotal battles in the Civil War, Gettysburg provides today’s leaders with a natural opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned from our country’s history.
As just one example, the President's Commission on White House Fellowships, a prestigious program for leadership and public service, makes Gettysburg College its first visit at the start of the academic year. For over 25 years, the Institute has partnered with the Commission to provide leadership education programs and promote the study of the American presidency and the objective analysis of contemporary policy matters. And every year since 2008, students from the Institute have met with the White House Fellows during their time on campus, interacting and learning more about the fields they also one day hope to enter.
Gettysburg serves as the perfect meeting place. As part of this orientation program, Fellows from the White House and the Institute travel together just a few minutes to the Eisenhower National Historic Site, the former home and farm of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Commenting on the power of the location and experience, a visiting White House fellow shared, “Gettysburg is replete with examples of courage and leadership during the bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil, and is a place where two of our most remarkable presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Dwight D. Eisenhower, figure prominently.”

Combined with the resources of a liberal arts campus, Gettysburg’s rich history makes it the perfect place for our students to learn and lead.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. 20006
The Institute’s Washington, D.C., location—just a block away from the White House and less than three miles from Capitol Hill—provides students with a window to the world and access to networking and internship opportunities in our nation’s capital.