Building Economies
Strengthening Democracy
The EI’s work in international economy and democracy, led by Senior Fellow John Austin engages international partners to deepen international economic and political engagements among countries with shared values; strengthens the economic and political hand of democratic nations vis-à-vis authoritarians; and ensures democracies keep the high-ground in the technological advances that generate new ideas, new businesses, and good jobs which sustain our collective security.
With the EI Austin will continue to lead and enhance impactful international partnerships and initiatives, including the transatlantic Heartlands Transformation Network bringing together over 700 leaders and economic change practitioners from 25 countries working to close regional economic divides and diminish support for anti-democratic populist movements; international partnerships to promote and implement allyshoring – expanding trade, production and economic alliances with countries of shared values, while checking the influence of authoritarians and their ability to use tools of economic coercion; along with international collaborations to help democracies maintain global innovation and economic leadership.

Student Engagement
Undergraduate students who participate in this work enhance knowledge and leadership skills by collaborating with diverse professionals in politics and government, international affairs, economic, trade, and public policy. They conduct research and co-author articles, policy briefs, reports and studies for international audiences. Fellows help plan and report on learning exchanges and other convenings involving national and international policymakers, think tanks, and research organizations.
Learn more about our Heartlands projects in Pennsylvania and Germany.

Heartlands Transformation Network
700+ leaders and economic change practitioners from 25 countries working to close regional economic divides and diminish support for anti-democratic populist movements.
Learn more about Heartlands Transformation Network
International partnerships to expand trade, production and economic alliances with countries of shared values.
Innovation Leadership
International collaborations to help democracies maintain global innovation and economic leadership.