
EI Senior Fellow John Austin and Elaine Dezenki at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies conceived of and promoted the construct of allyshoring as a powerful response to today’s economic, security and foreign policy challenges and opportunities.

America and our friends around the world need to enhance our economic partnerships and positioning in order to strengthen democracy’s collective hand vis-a-vis the political, economic and military threats emanating from China, Russia and others seeking to overturn the West-led, post World II, open, and rules-based international economic, trade, and political order. This collaborative work includes reducing strategic dependencies, reworking global supply chains, enhancing international co-production relationships with countries of shared values, while checking the behavior, and the economic and politically coercive use of economic dependencies by authoritarians.

Factory machinery

What’s New

Catch the latest developments in allyshoring and enhanced allied economic and political engagement.

Articles and Reports

Guides for practitioners and policy-makers around putting allyshoring principles and practices to work.


Collaborative Projects and Events

Allyshoring Network

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For more information contact John Austin, Senior Fellow, Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College,

Allyshoring Architects

Eisenhower Institute’s John Austin and Elaine Dezenki at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, are the original architects of the concept of allyshoring as a powerful response to today’s economic, security and foreign policy challenges and opportunities.