The spread of economic opportunity and the strengthening of democracies depends on democratic, open societies remaining the world’s most dynamic and creative economic leaders.
This means international allied collaboration to keep the high-ground in the technological innovation that generates new ideas, whole new industries, businesses and good jobs—and the maintenance of technological advantage for collective security. In a tech and talent-driven global economy this also means spreading effective policies, tools and practices that educate countries’ citizens to the highest possible levels. Maintaining and encouraging open societies with freedom of expression and inquiry and freedom of movement where talents can blossom and people flourish where and how they choose. It also demands leadership and collaboration in building a just, green economy to ameliorate climate change, create new green jobs and business opportunities that benefit all.

What’s New
Catch the latest on EI and John Austin’s work to help democratic, open societies remaining the world’s most dynamic and creative economic leaders.
Articles and Reports
Guidance for practitioners and policy-makers on how democracies keep the economic high ground.
- Brookings: CHIPS Science Act Writing New Story About the Rust Belt
- Times Higher Education: Universities as Fulcrums for Economic Revival
- Michigan Governors Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth
- Michigan Economic Center: Jobs, Michigan and Leadership in the Economy of Tomorrow
- Michigan Governor’s Office White Paper: Water, Michigan and the Growing Blue Economy
- Magna Charta Universitatum: Universities Role in Economic Regeneration After Crisis
- Council of the Great Lakes Region: Great Lakes, Great Minds
- Brookings; Great Lakes Leaders in Growing Blue Economy
Innovation leadership in the news.
- Times Higher Education: University-led Innovation, Can It Create Good Jobs?
- The Economist: Rust Belt to Brain Belt
- Time Magazine: Why US Economy Flourishes While China Struggles
- Crains Chicago Business: EV’s Global Growth Opportunity for Allies
- Washington Post: Trump’s Immigration Policy Devestates Midwest Economy
Projects and Events
Learn about projects and events where leaders collaborate, innovate and create new ideas together.