Special Collections collects, houses, and preserves rare books, manuscripts, maps, art works, sound recordings, photographs, and other unique primary source materials which support selected instructional programs. Special Collections is also home to the College Archives and, therefore, acquires, preserves, and makes available records of enduring value which document College activities, functions, decisions, policies and programs. Special Collections regularly exhibits items from its varied collections in its Reading Room.
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Witnesses to Battle: Gettysburg College Library Books, 1863
Initiated by the idea that the books on the shelves of the College’s Libraries on July 1, 2, & 3, 1863, bore witness to the Battle of Gettysburg; a digital exhibit by Laurel Wilson ’19 and Maci Mark ’21, is now live. Around 1,000 of those books are still in the collection of Musselman Library. The project site describes student work identifying and locating the books, describing them in MUSCAT Plus, and features highlights from these original library books.

GettDigital Collections
GettDigital is an online portal to the digital collections created by Special Collections & College Archives. These digital primary sources include a wide variety of material types and subjects including College Photographs, the Civil War Era, World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, Eisenhower, and rare book bindings. As of 2021, we offer 38 GettDigital Collections with over 75,000 digital learning objects.

Campus Box 420
Musselman Library Fourth Floor
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Special Collections Reading Room Hours
While classes are in session:
Monday - Friday
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Tuesday & Wednesday
6:00 - 9:00 PM
By Appointment Only during Reading Days
No evening hours during Finals Week
Request items for research appointment
Students, faculty, staff, and members of the campus community can use LibCal to request items/collections and dates/times for research visits.
For class visits and group tours
Email Carolyn Sautter to plan your visit.
For research questions
Contact Ask an Archivist.
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